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UPDATE: Point-of-Sale (POS) interruption

Please be advised that some members are experiencing their transactions declined when trying to use their debit or credit cards at some POS terminals at some retailers.  The problem has been identified as a merchant terminal issue and terminal vendors and merchants are working on correcting the situation. 

Debit transactions that don’t require inserting the CHIP, such as Flash, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Apple Pay, aren’t experiencing any issues.

We apologize for any inconvenience while the terminal vendors and merchants work to correct the issue.

UPDATED INFORMATION as of January 10, 2020

  • The testing of the terminal software fix at one of the highly impacted merchants, at a pilot store, is proving to be successful. The Merchant is working to roll out to additional stores shortly.
  • Other Acquirers and merchants continue to make progress towards the implementation of a fix; however, are still working on finalizing plans.
For further information, please see Interac’s customer alert at Intermittent Interac Debit Chip-and-PIN card purchase declines.
Winnipeg, MB - Friday | January 3, 01:45 PM
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